Diversity and Inclusion

Cardif Pinnacle is an equal opportunities employer. We are committed to eliminating discrimination in the workplace and to promoting equal opportunities for all staff.

We believe that our environment should encourage all of our people to realise their full potential. We are proud of our diversity, which is one of our core strengths. We reflect the broad diversity of the customers we serve and we embrace an inclusive working environment.

Gender - Leading from the Top

Our Executive Management Team is a 50:50 gender mix. Men and women have an equal voice within our leadership and this is important to us.

Supporting Transgender Staff in the Workplace

Chloe Moore described what it's like to be a transgender person in the workplace and how companies can help their trans staff.

International Transgender Day of Visibility - on 31 March - shed light on issues the trans community faces, including in the workplace. Although perceptions seem to have changed in the past few years, a third of trans people have been the target of derogatory remarks, experiencing bullying and abuse and being outed without their consent in the workplace, according to a UK survey conducted by Stonewall in 2018.

Chloe has been working as a Rating Engine Manager at BNP Paribas Cardif for two years and has approximately 13 years' experience in the Insurance industry. She is a member of the Pride UK Network - part of BNP Paribas' LGBTQ+ Employee Resource Group - and has been active in promoting the rights of transgender people in the workplace. As a trans woman, she described how companies can support staff through transition and create a more diverse workplace.

Chloe has been working on guidelines to manage gender transition in the workplace for BNP Paribas staff across the UK Group. According to Chloe, most of her recommendations are based on simply showing empathy and compassion. They include useful definitions and expressions, and general do's and don'ts for engaging with a trans person about their identity. There are recommendations on how managers can accommodate people who are transitioning, from starting the process with HR to the dress code. She said she tried to ensure that as many questions were answered as possible, whether they were on how to deal with reactions from colleagues, time off for treatment or everything in between.

Chloe felt that policies are a great base, but they can also feel cold or too wrapped in jargon to relate to. It's important that companies communicate on the support available for their staff, trans or otherwise. Promoting things like the Pride, Disability, Multicultural, or Parent & Carer networks, which foster diversity and give individuals a place where they can connect with similar people, is a must.

The Company also gives opportunities to launch initiatives and projects, like the guidelines Chloe wrote. It shows these staff members have a voice, and that they're valued in the workplace, regardless of their identity. By giving increased visibility to these communities, internally and externally, companies can participate in wider societal issues and build inclusive workplaces.

What advice would Chloe give a transgender person who would like to transition, especially in the workplace?

The first thing she said she'd recommend is to be honest with yourself about what you want and to talk to people in your personal life that you love. It's vital that you talk about your feelings openly, to get a sounding board. She felt she was lucky to have the support of her family, who surrounded her with kindness. Once you have the support of your loved ones, you can move on to the workplace by initiating the conversation with a trusted colleague or HR manager you feel comfortable being vulnerable with.

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